Next meeting is September 13th

This is a reminder that our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 13th at 6 pm at the William Jeanes Memorial Library in the Community Room.   Please note, our meeting date is a Tuesday and not our usual Wednesday date. Also, we are not in our usual room.  We are in the Community Room which is the big room right next to the Children’s section of the library on the lower level.
Please let me know by Tuesday at 2 pm if you plan on attending.

Surviving the holidays

A group member shared a nice resource about how to survive the holidays and Adoptions From the Heart had a blog post about it.  Those of us who are waiting to start or grow our families can find this time of year very difficult.  I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we are not alone and that it’s okay to say no during the holidays.  Hope to see you all in 2016. Deadline is December 11th

One of the things that comes up often in our group meetings is the difficulty in financing an adoption. Adoption can be an expensive process. is an organization that provides grants for those who are adopting. They can provide grants up to $15,000. Families must include a valid home study and a copy of their most recent tax return with their completed application and personal statement. If a grant is awarded, funds are released to adoption professionals (adoption lawyers and adoption agencies) when an invoice is due.

They award grants three times a year. For this cycle, the deadline is December 11, 2015. For the next cycle, the deadline is April 15, 2016.

For more information about, applying for their grants or donating to the organization, go to their website.

Private Adoption vs Foster-to-adopt

This article might have a bias because it’s posted on an adoption agency’s website, but I think it actually lays out some of the most important pros and cons.  If you’ve decided on domestic adoption but need to evaluate the pros and cons of private adoption vs. foster-to-adopt, check out their post.

The Immense Differences between Working with a Private Adoption Agency and Foster Care Adoption: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Options