RESOLVE Media Opportunity

This is more infertility related but just in case it applies and you are interested:

We have a media request from a reporter who would like to hear from anyone who bought insurance individual coverage through an exchange last year, or who will be doing so for the first time this year,and for whom coverage of fertility treatment is an important issue. Reporter is especially interested to hear if anyone who looked at their state of residence and wondered about the merits of moving, or had moved, to obtain access to coverage through an individual plan as an essential health benefit. If you or someone in your group wants to share your story and possibly be interviewed for a national publication, please send your contact information and brief statement to Andy at

Online Adoption Courses

I am finally going to try to follow through on my promise to use this blog to share useful information with the group. I am hoping to share helpful websites, books and other resources here so if you come across something you think the group would appreciate, feel free to let me know so I can post it!

Recently, at one of our group meetings, we discussed child care classes. A common feeling was that even though we would not be unwelcome at a hospital sponsored newborn care class, we would still feel somewhat uncomfortable attending. One of our group members suggested a website that she has used which has variety of online classes which address a wide number of topics.

While it appears the child care class is no longer listed in their catalog, this website has classes on many important topics: attachment, adopting older children, transracial adoption, risk of prenatal alcohol exposure, and many more.

While I have not personally taken any of these classes yet, I encourage you all to check the website out (see the link below) and see if there is anything of interest. If you learn anything interesting, please feel free to bring it up at group!

Adoption Learning Partners