Private Adoption vs Foster-to-adopt

This article might have a bias because it’s posted on an adoption agency’s website, but I think it actually lays out some of the most important pros and cons.  If you’ve decided on domestic adoption but need to evaluate the pros and cons of private adoption vs. foster-to-adopt, check out their post.

The Immense Differences between Working with a Private Adoption Agency and Foster Care Adoption: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Options

A Birth Mother’s Point of View

Thoughts from a birth mother.  I think it’s important that we remember that adoption involves more than just us and our prospective adopted children.  Here is a quote from the post:

I want you to know that nothing is black-and-white, that adoption can’t be generalized, that not the adoptive parents, not the birth parents, not the adoptees can know the extent of how they will be affected.

Click here to read more.